Monday 22 July 2013

It's A Good Day To Be Us

Hey my peeps!
I got called handsome today, and Hayley got called pretty! It is a good day to be us!
Thought you should know! Aside from that! My computer is being stupid!

For some reason the track pad has been acting all weird, so we have had to switch some of the files over to Hayley's computer, so kinda sucky, but we are managing despite all the problems. I'll be sending my computer in for fixing probably, unless it fixes itself. Hopefully it is all good!

Watch out for Thursday guys! Chapter 9 comes out! Let me tell you this, the story takes a whole new pace, and I hope you all enjoy it.

So we thought we would tell you guys something cool about the story that isn't mentioned IN the story.

So Jasper is sent off to war, more specifically the Eastern invasion or the Phoenix War. Several kingdoms came together to protect themselves from a barbarian tribe that became ambitious and power hungry. The war lasted for twelve years and fought on three different fronts. The main war occurring in the North East directly North of the Claire-Marie river. Jasper had several scars from the war the most prominent running done the entire left calf. He started at the bottom of the calvary devision and gradually worked his way up to lead his own regiment. He has seen much of war, and is very happy to return

Hope you guys enjoyed that, I know we did! :)

And! check out the newest piece of concept art! Taya's Journal!



Monday 15 July 2013

Character Names

Hey guys,

We've been making great headway these last few weeks, things have really been picking up. The writers have some really great ideas in store, and I must say, I'm pretty proud of what we've got going.

Any new news... Hmm, Well! There is a really cool piece of art ready for you guys this Thursday, that is pretty exciting. And we have Chapter 8 ready for you as well!  Plus there is a secret event that we have planned for the end of August; stay tuned for updates regarding that.

A funny fact! Hayley have three different ways of picking Character names/place names. The first is, one of us spontaneously comes up with a name, we both agree on it and its done. The second; we find a name with a specific meaning, something that has to do with their character, something we can add more too if we like. Third: we take someone we know who means a lot to us and we take their name, or a variation on their name.

And that is how we choose our names.


Monday 8 July 2013

Dem Writers Though

Hey Readers!

We just finished working on chapter 12! Good chapter and one of our favourties. We had a lot of fun pushing Taya to her limits, and seeing what the character would do. It was hard, but we managed. Can't wait for you guys to read it! Only 6 more weeks ;) try and contain your excitement.

SO! The writers have been discussing a way to let readers know a little more about what's going on, some of the behind the scenes facts and blunders. For instance, in "chapter 5: Elise" we originally had Zoeloft and Elise having a conversation underwater ... not realizing that they were in fact underwater till much later. Luckily we caught it before putting it up.

Now a fun fact! ... Because Facts are fun!
We say Taya writes in her journal her entire time, but she only left Caelestis with Zenith and her journal, nothing to write with!
So how did she do it?!
WELL, we figured she would harvest the blood of animals and use it as ink. Then once with Yelya, they would have actual ink for her to use.
Case closed, you are welcome.

Go check out chapter 6, it's online now, link below.

Stay tuned thursday for chapter 7, Some cool dragon stuff is going on :)
Rock on

-B & H

Friday 5 July 2013

Clapping On Blogger

Hey peeps,
Today we wanna give some recognition to our good friend Claire-Marie, she has been super supportive and very helpful for us over the last while. If it was possible to clap on blogger, thats what would be going on right now.

Some Updates!
Yesterday was our biggest day yet guys! We had over a hundred hits over the course of 24 hours, super proud moment right there! And its all because of you guys! So keep up the good work! Share this bad boy.

As you guys can see, we now have a twitter feed running along the side of both the Warrior Princes Blog, and the production blog! So if you don't like commenting at the bottom of posts, feel free to tweet at us, we love questions and often we have questions for you guys!

So tell all your friends ;)


P.s if you guys have any cool sounding names you think should be in the warrior princess, feel free to let us know!

Thursday 4 July 2013

Leaps and Bounds

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you know how pumped I am that we've almost hit 1000 views.
Considering it's only been just over a month I say, that's a pretty big deal. Therefore wanted to share the small excitement I am having, with you!

Finally the other writer and I actually sat down and had a discussion on where this story is actually going. Before we simply wrote, and that's why a lot of the chapters feel like short stories. BUT! We finally found a way to make every tie together and make your brain melt. It's fantastic... my brain melted.

Maybe if you're all lucky and this gets bigger, the people who actually enjoy following along can check out the original first chapter. But that's far in the future. We'll keep you posted.

Cheers to my first official post!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Infinite Cookies

Alright peeps! So! Here is an update! This is infact! An update! Yes...
So today I'm sitting with the production manager and the illustrator! Talking about options for publishing and getting the word out there! The piece of art work for tomorrow is being finished off and discussed. I must say it does look pretty fantastic, can't wait for all of you guys to see it! If you didn't get a chance to check out the previous piece of concept art! here it is!

It is a picture of Jasper swimming towards the portal, I hope you like it!

And now a message from the PM
"I love all you guys, you all deserve infinite cookies, made with love, the kind that Grandmother used to make"


Monday 1 July 2013

Oh, Canada

Happy Canada day peeps!
For all you crazy Canadians out there!

For the first time in a while I got to spend time with my whole family! Had a pretty awesome time!

So! This Thursday we will have both Chapter 6 and probably a new piece of concept art! I am actually super pumped for it. You should be too!

And! If you are hanging out and relaxing on this long weekend, again, go check out the warrior princess! We are really looking for some comments and thoughts, regarding Taya, it'd be cool if we could find out what you are thinking! So let us know!
