Sunday 22 September 2013


This post is an echo and nod and in absolute agreement with Hayley's last post.  A valiant effort (or in my case, more of a mental effort, since productivity has dwindled to a mere trickle), to keep creativity alive has become more like a valiant desire to keep creativity alive.

That valiant desire is being laughed at by this monster thing called 'The List of Things to Do.' Oh you know what's on 'The List of Things to Do,' you have one yourself. Whether it be papers or school or work or... you know. Today I checked off several things on my 'List of Things to Do.' You know, items seem to grow larger and larger, until they hit monster proportions when left on their own for too long. Yeah. And my sword seems to shrink to the size of a nail clipper by the time an item has been left to simmer... simmer, simmer, simmer... for way too long.

That's my long-winded way of saying I have been itching to do something creative, finish up some art, write something and basically put on a beautiful dress with matching Mary Janes, maybe an over-sized sweater, a big fluffy tuque, swap in my red glasses (gorgeous, yes), for big nerdy black ones and... ah there goes that stereotype. Hey, can anyone blame me for describing the quintessential writer or artist living in a haze of creativity?

Okay. So that doesn't happen to me. I'm not the most hip person around, but I do like my daily dose(or weekly dose) of creativity. More recently that fix has been occurring in the kitchen, which thankfully is fun. But the art and words are calling, and like a sourdough starter needs to be fed.

Oh necessity. And List of Things to Do. How you sometimes make the me growl at you. But alas, you are part of life and, at the end of the day, aren't big monsters but little guys with big dancing shadows.

Silly creatures.

- G

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Don't Die on Me Blog

Dear Blog, Don't fall apart.

Well it's September and numbers are doing nothing but falling and falling. Our progress on Taya is moving slower than ever, but sadly faster than imagined? Is that a thing? Anyways, it's been a while for updates, I know they are boring updates... but like cut us slack. It's hard balancing school work and social life and a blog. Especially a blog. Especially because our man motivation is each other and we are not really able to do that.

ANYWAYS. I want anybody who takes any amount of time to scan this blog to scan and share our other blogs. The only way we can grow right now is with fans... and we have like two. NOT THAT THOSE TWO ARE CRAZY AWESOME, but like... help us, we like help. Tweet us sometime. We can tell you stuff you wanna know, stuff you don't really care about, and stuff that is just plain fun. We are interesting people... trust me.

Maybe if we get more views we will bring back interesting tidbits. Until then I am going on an Interest Tidbit strike. SHARE SHARE SHARE.

... Oh if you have a peace you want to blog that is creative non-fiction give us a shout and we can post. Then you can share your stuff and it'll be a swell partnership. What do you say?

Holla Bloggers

Monday 9 September 2013

Pink Shirt

Hello all of you crazy peoples!

I am no longer in the quaint town of that I was once in... I am now in Toronto... the great and power city. UPDATES. So, here is the plan, we are currently working on 20, and that should be done fairly soon... We will continue to post, every Thursday, with some art here and there. Since chapter 15 has just recently been posted, that marks the halfway of the entire book as we intend to write 30 chapters.. chapter 25 should be the final chapter posted online... after that you have to buy the book in order to read the ending... yes I know... sneaky... BUT we need to find a way to live... sooo... Im sure if you have stuck it out as long as we have, you'll be cool with said proposal.

I have my schedule for the semester and I realized that I have a fair amount of time on my hands right now... So I'll try and get some writing in for you peeps.

I do not have a InterestingTidBit for you today... except that I am wearing a pink shirt... awesome...

Anywho! We are very excited to see this work in progress turn into a full blow book! so look out world! If you have any questions... tweet at us at the side... comment... or.... um, I think those are the only two... 'cause google plus sucks and no one uses it anyway... :D

Signing out,

Thursday 29 August 2013


Dear readers.

So this is the last Thursday before school. Ben has been away since last week, and chapter 20 has been in the works since then, I think today I'll wrap it up and start 21. We are moving stupidly slow and we are sorry. Today I almost forgot it was even Thursday, I forgot posting day *face palm*. Luckily I whipped it up before it was no late. Here's the link.

Tid bit of Interesting Information!
So let's give you two different types of tid bit (reminds me of tim bit... mmmm tim bit #CanadianProbs)
First off, I shall have you all know that my writing partner and I are best friends, BUT when of at school we maybe contact each other two or three times. Nothing ever changes when we both come home through, and we buy each other Christmas presents. :) Hopefully this year there will be a bit more communication because of the blog. *fingers cross*

Yes yes yes, We know that if you read this you probably don't care about our other pages as much... which you should because they are spectacular. BUT, by popular demand, here is an unknown fact about the warrior princess.
As you know, we do a lot of our writing down at a local coffee shop. We love all the employee's there, and they help us when we are creatively stuck. SO, to honour our friends brewing us coffee and deep frying us fritters we write their names into the story.
Ennadia = Dianne (mixed up letters)
Claire-Marie River = Cliare ... (gee we're creative)
Raymond = Andrew (Raymond is a middle name)

I'm  not sure if there is more, but If there our I will send you another list. :)
Take care, sorry about the craziness.
Hey Howdy Hey.
It's ~H

Thursday 22 August 2013

May The Bedbugs Never Bite

Hey guys!

This is Grace posting - not too late, but late enough (one minute and a half to 1am) after a long day of catching up with old friends, running errands, and basically doing what I've been doing a lot of - reconnecting.

This summer I've been on the road half of the time (yes two hours of commute for work eventually does add up), and visiting people have taken up a lot of time - albeit most beautifully and well spent time.

As it is, there is no art this week, nor likely will there be any next week, as I am away at camp. In two days, I would have been in, hmm let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six different cities or towns. Mmhmm! That said, many of these are pit stops. Mmhmm!

However, I have posted for you - first post on Dear Life. Check it out - one of raw thought and weariness, but goodness all rolled into one beautiful mess.

And now, to bed.

Goodnight world! May the bedbugs never bite.

~ G

Wednesday 21 August 2013

more, More, MORE!

Our Loyal Readers.

WWMNS Productions is growing! As you can see we have the original piece still being updated every Thursday. Follow Taya and her crew as they try to escape the grasps of Akeldama, or if you are looking for something silly try "Bill the Russian & Other Tales" by our own Benjamin and his university friends. Interested in a blog a little more personable and based on non-fiction, try the newest upload of "Dear Life."

"Dear Life" will be posted in when there are current emotions flowing through us, being love or anger or happiness. See what's going on more in our lives in a more creative field. I made this blog and posted the first piece. Yesterday (when I started this post) was a very interesting day, and this summer has helped the magnitude of interesting. August 21st is the anniversary of which my little teenage heart got the shit beat out of it, I have never felt the way I did on that day. My friendship with said heartbreaker has been something hard for me to understand, but thankfully after all our ups and  downs I can proudly say I am glad to be standing where I am today.

SO CHECK OUT THE BLOG! It means a lot to get my feelings out about it, and if you guys like it or not I am probably going to keep posting. Also, I won't explain all my posts, I just want to explain the birth of this new blog.

That's all I have,
Signing off,
~ H

Sunday 18 August 2013

Smile On Your Face

Hey readers!

We are writing to you from the one and only Brown Dog coffee shoppe!
It has been a few days since we posted in here, and since we are currently writing Taya, we thought we would post on the Production page for all you hard core Taya fans.

What we realized (Hayley and I) is that we are a production team... which as I say it now sounds really obvious. BUT! As a production team, we can branch out into several forms of media and several types of writing! As you guys know! I (Ben) started posting Bill the Russian and other tales under WWMNS productions. It is completely unrelated to Taya, but I wanted it to be tied to this group writing project as a whole!

So! What we are preposing is that IF you have something like a set of stories, or a novel, or poetry or some other form of media, we would love to be involved, help out, or even just have our work linked to yours and vice versa.

A note from the authors.
Chapter 12 - Took the longest to write, was the most difficult to write, and is one of our favourites.
It is the most intense, and we are proud that the characters are pushed to their limits and have to just roll with whatever we write.

Jordan would like to add that chapter 1 is his favourite, probably because that is the only chapter he has read.

Until next time peeps!
B, H & J

P.s If you have a smile on your face, it doesn't matter what you wear on your head

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Out Of Sheer Fun

Hey there readers,
We have a few announcements, and other things of importance to say today..

First of all!
Our illustrator and I started a project 8 or so months ago, called Bill the Russian and other tales.
We decided it would be kinda fun to continue writing those stories.... in our spare time... and of course post them in a sister blog so that all of you guys have silly stuff to read. So! If you are interested in Bill the Russian and other tales, check out the link below.

Disclaimer: There are currently no stories about bill, but there will be soon. Some of the material may poke fun at, celebrities (mostly fictional) and places (mostly in Canada). Please do not take them seriously, it was written out of sheer fun.

We are currently working on chapter 18 of The Warrior Princess.. which we have been working on for... probably over a week.. again, been a crazy month with very little time. Hayley and I find we basically need to devote the day to writing, otherwise nothing gets done...

Originally Hayley and I had wanted to finish the entire (30 chapters and all) by the end of August, I don't think we are going to make that deadline, especially since I leave for the last week of August. We will continue to try, but I highly doubt the book will be ready by the end of the summer. We are probably going to continue writing during the school year, but again, very little time means very little progress. BUT we will keep ya'll posted on our progress, and attempted deadlines.

So, in chapter 11 we find out Mythra's name... kinda an exciting moment... Hayley found him a name mostly because it was difficult calling him "j'vonte's father" or "the chief/leader" so he is now named. Mythra is derived from Mithra which is derived from old persian. He is an angelic divinity or a judicial figure who is the all-seeing protector of truth. As well, he is the guardian of cattle and harvest. We found that fitting for the leader of a tribe. so hence forth! His name his Mythra.

You're Welcome.

P.s tomorrow is Thursday

Thursday 8 August 2013

Need To Eat Food To Live

Hey readers,

Time, we have not had any time!
And for that, we are deeply sorry.

It's August peeps, summer is winding down, and the writers are going back to school soon.
So we're gonna have to pump out chapters like nobody's business. Currently we are working on chapter 18, which I may add is very exciting, the pace just gets better. I've been working, and Hayley has been busy, so unfortunately the chapters have not been written very quickly, but I assure you, we will do our best to finish this thing before school, and hopefully get a pdf download of the entire thing.
It will probably cost a couple bucks, 'cause we actually need to eat food to live, but I think that is a small price to pay for hundreds of hours poured into this book, by multiple people. So yeah, go ahead and show some support. It is appreciated!

Fun Fact Time!
In chapter eleven, we are introduced to the fearsome pale elf, Akeldama. Some of you may be wondering, why is his name Akeldama? What does that even mean? Well, I am here to tell you, thank goodness for me, right? Akeldama, or Aceldama, is aramaic for "field of blood."We do not have this elf in bloody fields, it is simply a reflection on the fact that he has come from war, battle, and destruction. In other words, he is fairly experienced. Akeldama was also the field that Judas hanged himself in, after betraying Jesus. So we found it fitting, for the dark elf leader, betrayer of peoples, to be named after the place the betrayer of Jesus died. On further research of the name, we discovered that the name Akeldama is actually meant for a girl, but we decided that it would work for an elf. So the name stayed.

And that is all we wrote!

Here is the newest art! Taya and her locket

And here is the newest chapter: Akeldama.


Thursday 1 August 2013

Brown Dog Rocks

Hey readers!
This is a post about whatever we feel like. Fact.

Alrighty, so one of our good friends wants to tell you that "Brown dog rocks, Ben and Hayley are the best, read the book!"

Anywho! that aside, Dan says "do it/read it"

OK! We get it, we're awesome...
Some of you may have known that my computer was on the fritz.. wasn't feeling so hot...
But now it is! It is rocking! And Ben is happy!

Views on Warrior Princess are a bit low... so be sure to check it out on the link... right here ish ---->

Fun Fact Time!
ok, so in chapter 10 we introduce the dark elves, we have had a request about them, more specifically where they come from... Originally Hayley and I referred to the elves home land as "elf land" obviously it is no longer referred to as "elf land." They come from a land called Qualah which is derived from Qalal, which means cursed or to dishonour. Which is exactly what has happened to the dark elves, yet there are other elves who are not cursed and do live in Qualah who are good.
Anyway! That is the fact of the day :)

hope you liked,

Chapter 10 is here

Peace in peeps!

Monday 22 July 2013

It's A Good Day To Be Us

Hey my peeps!
I got called handsome today, and Hayley got called pretty! It is a good day to be us!
Thought you should know! Aside from that! My computer is being stupid!

For some reason the track pad has been acting all weird, so we have had to switch some of the files over to Hayley's computer, so kinda sucky, but we are managing despite all the problems. I'll be sending my computer in for fixing probably, unless it fixes itself. Hopefully it is all good!

Watch out for Thursday guys! Chapter 9 comes out! Let me tell you this, the story takes a whole new pace, and I hope you all enjoy it.

So we thought we would tell you guys something cool about the story that isn't mentioned IN the story.

So Jasper is sent off to war, more specifically the Eastern invasion or the Phoenix War. Several kingdoms came together to protect themselves from a barbarian tribe that became ambitious and power hungry. The war lasted for twelve years and fought on three different fronts. The main war occurring in the North East directly North of the Claire-Marie river. Jasper had several scars from the war the most prominent running done the entire left calf. He started at the bottom of the calvary devision and gradually worked his way up to lead his own regiment. He has seen much of war, and is very happy to return

Hope you guys enjoyed that, I know we did! :)

And! check out the newest piece of concept art! Taya's Journal!



Monday 15 July 2013

Character Names

Hey guys,

We've been making great headway these last few weeks, things have really been picking up. The writers have some really great ideas in store, and I must say, I'm pretty proud of what we've got going.

Any new news... Hmm, Well! There is a really cool piece of art ready for you guys this Thursday, that is pretty exciting. And we have Chapter 8 ready for you as well!  Plus there is a secret event that we have planned for the end of August; stay tuned for updates regarding that.

A funny fact! Hayley have three different ways of picking Character names/place names. The first is, one of us spontaneously comes up with a name, we both agree on it and its done. The second; we find a name with a specific meaning, something that has to do with their character, something we can add more too if we like. Third: we take someone we know who means a lot to us and we take their name, or a variation on their name.

And that is how we choose our names.


Monday 8 July 2013

Dem Writers Though

Hey Readers!

We just finished working on chapter 12! Good chapter and one of our favourties. We had a lot of fun pushing Taya to her limits, and seeing what the character would do. It was hard, but we managed. Can't wait for you guys to read it! Only 6 more weeks ;) try and contain your excitement.

SO! The writers have been discussing a way to let readers know a little more about what's going on, some of the behind the scenes facts and blunders. For instance, in "chapter 5: Elise" we originally had Zoeloft and Elise having a conversation underwater ... not realizing that they were in fact underwater till much later. Luckily we caught it before putting it up.

Now a fun fact! ... Because Facts are fun!
We say Taya writes in her journal her entire time, but she only left Caelestis with Zenith and her journal, nothing to write with!
So how did she do it?!
WELL, we figured she would harvest the blood of animals and use it as ink. Then once with Yelya, they would have actual ink for her to use.
Case closed, you are welcome.

Go check out chapter 6, it's online now, link below.

Stay tuned thursday for chapter 7, Some cool dragon stuff is going on :)
Rock on

-B & H

Friday 5 July 2013

Clapping On Blogger

Hey peeps,
Today we wanna give some recognition to our good friend Claire-Marie, she has been super supportive and very helpful for us over the last while. If it was possible to clap on blogger, thats what would be going on right now.

Some Updates!
Yesterday was our biggest day yet guys! We had over a hundred hits over the course of 24 hours, super proud moment right there! And its all because of you guys! So keep up the good work! Share this bad boy.

As you guys can see, we now have a twitter feed running along the side of both the Warrior Princes Blog, and the production blog! So if you don't like commenting at the bottom of posts, feel free to tweet at us, we love questions and often we have questions for you guys!

So tell all your friends ;)


P.s if you guys have any cool sounding names you think should be in the warrior princess, feel free to let us know!

Thursday 4 July 2013

Leaps and Bounds

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to let you know how pumped I am that we've almost hit 1000 views.
Considering it's only been just over a month I say, that's a pretty big deal. Therefore wanted to share the small excitement I am having, with you!

Finally the other writer and I actually sat down and had a discussion on where this story is actually going. Before we simply wrote, and that's why a lot of the chapters feel like short stories. BUT! We finally found a way to make every tie together and make your brain melt. It's fantastic... my brain melted.

Maybe if you're all lucky and this gets bigger, the people who actually enjoy following along can check out the original first chapter. But that's far in the future. We'll keep you posted.

Cheers to my first official post!

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Infinite Cookies

Alright peeps! So! Here is an update! This is infact! An update! Yes...
So today I'm sitting with the production manager and the illustrator! Talking about options for publishing and getting the word out there! The piece of art work for tomorrow is being finished off and discussed. I must say it does look pretty fantastic, can't wait for all of you guys to see it! If you didn't get a chance to check out the previous piece of concept art! here it is!

It is a picture of Jasper swimming towards the portal, I hope you like it!

And now a message from the PM
"I love all you guys, you all deserve infinite cookies, made with love, the kind that Grandmother used to make"


Monday 1 July 2013

Oh, Canada

Happy Canada day peeps!
For all you crazy Canadians out there!

For the first time in a while I got to spend time with my whole family! Had a pretty awesome time!

So! This Thursday we will have both Chapter 6 and probably a new piece of concept art! I am actually super pumped for it. You should be too!

And! If you are hanging out and relaxing on this long weekend, again, go check out the warrior princess! We are really looking for some comments and thoughts, regarding Taya, it'd be cool if we could find out what you are thinking! So let us know!


Saturday 29 June 2013

Questions, Comments, Concerns

Hello peeps,
Just updating you on the happenings over here! We took yesterday off, but now I (Ben) am back at it. Working on Chapter 10, FOR YOU! um, I must say, the amount of stuff that happens between chapter 5 and 10 is actually pretty sweet.

So we are looking for feedback, any is good. BUT! right now were looking to see specific feedback regarding some of our characters in question. First off; what was your impression of Elise in Chapter 5? And who did you want her to end up with?

Anywho, those are the questions, love to get some answers! So hopefully you read this and then get back to me! Do it, you know you want to.

Also! If you have not yet read Taya, at all, or have not read the most recent Chapter, here it is!

On a side note, if you have any suggestions/ideas/drawings that you think would be awesome and would be sweet for this book, let me know! Comment, subscribe, share! Tweet at me, I don't care. Let me know though! A lot of this is for you guys, and I want to know what you are thinking. Full stop, end of story!


Wednesday 26 June 2013

Updates On Taya

Hey guys!  This is Ben and Hayley writing to you from a coffee shop.

The purpose of this blog is to let you know about upcoming chapters, concept art and more!
Also, you can follow us on twitter !

Tomorrow we are releasing a really cool concept art from Chapter 4 as well as Chapter 5. So look out!
Every Thursday we will be releasing a new chapter and concept art that we have that pertains to any chapters. So again, keep an eye out for Taya every Thursday!

Recently Hayley and I have spent pretty much all our time writing... FOR YOU! So, if you wanna get on that and check out the chapters that are currently up! Go do it! Comment, share, let us know what you think of it! You can contact us on google + through Taya Caelestis, or again on twitter! We would love to know what you guys think and are eager to pump out some more new material!

Thanks guys!